  • How transfer of registered domain names shall proceed

    There shall be three possible scenario’s as per transfer request made by the Registrant(s):

    Change only at Registrants’ level

    Change only at Registrar’s level

    Concurrent changes at Registrants’ and Registrars’ level


         All such requests shall be subject to the relevant policy documents as published by BNNIC. The request for any bulk or frequent transfers may invite BNNIC’s attention and consequent discretion.


    Change only at Registrants’ level (assuming common Registrar)

    Applies when registered domain name is transferred from one Registrant to other through a common Registrar:


    The ‘recipient’ Registrant (transferee) shall seek consent from ‘donor’ Registrant (transferor) and obtain password to the related domain name

    The ‘recipient’ Registrant shall approach the concerned Registrar with the transfer application

    The Registrar shall acknowledge the application from the ‘recipient’ and also inform the ‘donor’ by e-mail

    The ‘donor’ shall have seven (07) days either to confirm or reject the requested transfer

    In the event of no response available after seven (07) days period, the Registrar shall proceed with the request

    The concerned Registrar shall effect requested changes as permissible within ___ days without charging any transfer fees

    The date of transfer of ownership and Expiry Date as per records shall be notified by the Registrar to the ‘recipient’

    BNNIC shall not charge any payment specific to transfer


    Change only at Registrar’s level (assuming more than one Registrar)

    Applies when registered domain name undergoes transfer on-request from one Registrar to the other

    The Registrant shall approach ‘donor’ Registrar (s) to seek password for the domain name

    The concerned Registrar shall provide the required information within next three (03) working days

    The Registrant shall next approach the ‘recipient’ Registrar (transferee) for further submission to BNNIC

    BNNIC shall initiate communications with ‘donor’ and ‘recipient’ Registrars with transfer marked as ‘pending’

    The requested transfer shall complete if it is confirmed by ‘donor’ Registrant or if no response is received within seven (07) days since BNNIC’s communications

    Alternatively, any rejection shall state the grounds subject to final decision by BNNIC

    The date of transfer of Registrar and Expiry Date as per records shall be notified by the ‘recipient’ Registrar to the Registrant

    The donor Registrar shall not charge any transfer fees without BNNIC’s approval

    BNNIC shall not charge any payment specific to transfer


    Concurrent changes at Registrants’ and Registrars’ level

    The ‘recipient’ Registrant (transferee) shall seek consent from ‘donor’ Registrant (transferor) and obtain the password

    The ‘recipient’ Registrant shall submit the transfer application to her own Registrar (recipient’s Registrar) with appropriate details

    The recipient-Registrar shall acknowledge the application and inform the donor’s Registrar and BNNIC by e-mail

    BNNIC shall mark the domain name as ‘pending-transfer’

    The donor’s Registrar’ shall forward the information to the ‘donor’ for response to be provided within seven (07) days

    If confirmed or no response is available after seven (07) day period, the donor’s Registrar shall inform recipient’s Registrar accordingly.

    Alternatively, any objection raised by ‘donor’ shall be referred back to the recipient’s Registrar

    Recipients Registrar shall forward the confirmed cases to BNNIC for further notification

    Such a case where objection is raised solely by donor Registrant shall be terminated with information back to the recipient and BNNIC

    Such a case where no objection is raised by donor Registrant, BNNIC shall state the final position as per grounds mentioned for objection

    The date of transfer of Registrar and Expiry Date as per records shall be notified by the ‘recipient’ Registrar to the Registrant

    The donor Registrar shall not charge any transfer fees without BNNIC’s approval

    BNNIC shall not charge any payment specific to transfer

    Such a process shall not exceed thirty(30) days since the first notice to BNNIC


    Created on 23/01/2015 in General FAQs

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